GSA was established by President Harry Truman on July 01, 1949 to streamline the administrative work of the federal government. GSA consolidated the National Archives Establishment, Federal Works Agency, Public Buildings Administration, Bureau of Federal Supply, Office of Contract Settlement, and the War Assets Administration into one federal agency tasked with administering supplies that provides a workplace for federal employees.
To learn more about GSA and the services it provides, please Click Here.
CCI partnered with GSA in the fall of 2012. This relationship allows CCI to provide extensive government contracting opportunities to our therapists. The GSA’s mission is to use the expertise to provide innovative solutions for their customers, and by so doing foster an effective, sustainable, and transparent government for the people. This works in tandem with CCI’s mission to provide the best opportunities for therapy professionals, there for providing top quality services to clients and patients alike.
To view CCI’s GSA contract, please Click Here.